How to make Egg Nog

Egg Nog History

Eggnog is one of the most popular Christmas time drinks in the United States, Canada and other parts of the World. It is typically consumed from around late November right up to New Year's Day.

The origins, etymology, and even the ingredients used to make the original egg nog drink are heavily debated. It is said that egg nog, or a very similar drink, may have originated in East Anglia - England, though it may also have been developed from posset (a medieval European beverage that was made with hot milk).

An Icelandic food expert (Nanna Rognvaldardottir), stated that the nog part of "egg nog" was adopted from the word noggin, a Middle English phrase that was used to describe a small, wooden, carved mug used to serve alcohol. Another name for this English drink was Egg Flip.

A third theory is that "egg nog" derived from the name egg-and-grog, a common Colonial term that was used to describe rum. It's said that eventually the term was shortened to egg'n'grog, then eventually to eggnog or "egg nog".

It is undisputed however that back then it was a drink for the aristocracy. The ingredients for egg nog were too expensive and uncommon for the lower classes, thus it was popular mainly amongst the aristocracy. Ingredients such as eggs and milk were not easily found unless you owned or worked on a farm. Those who could get those two main ingredients to make egg nog would often mix it with alcohol such as brandy, Madeira or even sherry.

History of egg nog in America - Around the 18th century, egg nog made its way across the Atlantic to the English colonies. Since brandy and wine were heavily taxed at the time, rum from the Triangular Trade with the Caribbean was used as a cost-effective substitute. Rum, coupled with plentiful farm and dairy products eventually helped to make egg nog the extremely popular drink that it is in North America today.

Other Egg Nog Recipes
Brandy Egg Nog
Apple Cider Egg Nog